

I am forcing myself to come up with words, in humble hopes of encouraging you in some small way…

My Life Time family called to tell the unbelievable news that  Steve Toms had died this morning.  As I jogged home after abruptly leaving work, I did not know if the water on my face was my tears, or this Seattle rain.  Lots of both. 

I am frustrated. I am pissed. I am sick at heart.  I am wishing I was back in MN right now, to grieve with you dear friends.  Steve had purpose, direction, and an energy none of us could match.  He harnessed his passions for the purpose of God's glory. He was a great man surrounded by great men.  And all this comes less than three weeks before he and Ashley's first anniversary.  We all know that Steve was the best of best; that is why this is just so damn hard to swallow.  Steve changed us all.  

This is often the nature of death- unexpected, inconvenient, sorrowful, shocking.  All our days are numbered.  Steve knew this, and had a hope in God that extended beyond this temporary life you and I are still experiencing.  By faith total surrender is the most necessary thing we could ever do.    

So I am also grateful. Grateful to have known him over the years.  Grateful for many conversations, often spiritual… even just last week.  Grateful for the man he was.  Grateful that there is real opportunity to come around and support Ashley and young Jameson.  I am grateful that he knew Jesus.   

As we are filled with sorrow, in this delicate moment, let there be hope.  In a place we don't yet know, Steve is now partying to the glory of God.  Soon the masses will gather as we celebrate the story, the life, and the impact of the one and only, Steve Toms. 


Rumour Has It

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