
Dance, Dance, Dance

This afternoon I turned on the Chili Peppers and shaved my head.

After being in Seattle for nearly a month, I decided that an abbreviated dome-do would be more appropriate for my new non-stop (and often rainy) lifestyle. And it's cheaper.  So Shell bravely held the clippers in hand and made it happen.  All turned out better than expected.  So much that, she decided to do her own head (not with the clippers of course).  The thought of finding a new stylist (Rita has done Shelley's hair since birth, and mine for the last handful-plus of years) was too much to think about, so we took matters into our own hands. After already having a second trimming on my head a few weeks later, I decided that today I was due for a closer cut, and *maybe* left a baby hawk on top...

But some things, most things, we need YOU for. We just cant do it on our own.

We've taken an exciting, major step in our move out here and our commitment to learn, in order to better serve.  We could not have done it alone.  Upon announcing, moving, and transitioning, we've found ourselves the benefactors of true support.  You've backed us up emotionally, prayerfully, and maybe even financially.  We could not be doing any of this, without any of that

We cant do it on our own.

We are in a new community group that I believe will challenge us to even moreso realize how much we need other people in our life.  There is a balance (as with ALL things in life) between the work we can do on our own, and the work we must join forces to do.  Thank you for being a part of our super team.  We are navigating this relationship, and en route to discovering how to best partner with and serve you.  As we dream big, we look forward to taking you along for the ride. 

For more info on "Sheltons in Seattle", please send an email to: joshandshelleyshelton@gmail.com OR thejoshuashelton@gmail.com